Monday, February 15, 2010

Tapping Mental Energy

Thought processes are another very useful form of energy that nature has blessed us with. Thoughts that cross the mind every day are composed of energy. Everything that has ever been accomplished began as a basic thought in the mind of a visionary. That thought energized creativity and stimulated the imagination that ultimately produced the end result. Thought energy is the first step toward manifesting reality. All successful men and women throughout history have been able to tap into this energy. The end result unfortunately has not always been for the betterment of mankind.

Controlled thoughts are the first step toward creating the energy necessary to realize such ideas in a concrete manner. A mind filled with disconnected thoughts and ideas cannot focus long enough to create sufficient energy needed to start the process, and will never reach a successful conclusion.

Mind Capabilities

Those who consistently succeed have disciplined their minds to focus upon the possibilities of an idea, rather than upon the negatives of why the idea might not work. Thinking in negative circles with fear and doubt will never produce the energy necessary for the completion of a worthwhile goal. The first step to any productivity is through channeling thoughts toward a central purpose, creating and setting a goal and manifesting the goal through a series of steps.

The mind harnesses great stores of power, and negative thoughts can (in part) create a negative life. It is entirely possible to eliminate bad habits such as smoking simply through the use and power of the mind. In fact, hypnotherapy and NLP therapy are examples of manipulating behavior by manipulating unconscious thoughts and core beliefs.

Why is it then so hard to eliminate bad habits? Much has to do with the programming that has been instilled since childhood. Parental examples, one’s circle of negative minded friends and the news media that projects the worst of human nature have all played a role in shaping our thought patterns. We grew to believe we were not sufficiently intelligent, attractive, successful or youthful. A string of failures trained us to believe that we were not capable of doing certain activities.

For the majority, the main hurdle arises in trying to banish negative thoughts and controlling thought processes to tap into positive mental energy.

Banishing Negative Thoughts

The first step in controlling negative thoughts is acknowledging that their existence and challenging these thought traits. Thus, the next time a negative thought arises, honestly ask yourself, “is this true? “What evidence in my life is there to support this thought?” This helps to identify doubts and negative thoughts that are untrue and will also reverse these negative trends and incorrect perceptions. Then, reverse the negative thought by turning it into a compliment. “At least I maintained my diet for the past four days, my jeans feel looser and my energy levels have risen.” Remain positive even in the face of criticism and exercise this technique daily, so that positive thinking will arise naturally and automatically.

Experiences, culture, age and personality have little to do with tapping into mental energy and each of us has the power to create one’s own utopia. It only requires a positive change in thought to move closer towards reaching your personal goals.

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