Thursday, February 11, 2010

Cultivating the Law of Attraction Theory and Applying it Practically (Part 2)

Whether we believe it or not, the universe is constantly working towards achieving an end purpose, goal, or dream of every individual. Time, action and energy (personal enthusiasm associated with accomplishing the goal) are the three integral ingredients for the universe to manifest dreams and desires. The key to realizing dreams is to help the Law of Attraction evolve towards our desired end through allowing (i.e., eliminating negative thoughts or self-sabotage), encouraging positive thoughts and emotions, and the cultivation of rewarding opportunities.

Avoid Restricting the Circumstances, Channels and Avenues for the Dream to Manifest

In order for a particular desire to become reality it must be realistically possible to materialize with the available means. Setting a fixed goal, including the specific criteria of how it will happen, when and under what circumstances, can cause apprehension about the goal itself; as well as fuel a sense of stubbornness and closed-mindedness about surroundings and better opportunities. The world is filled with circumstances, odds, factors, choices and fortune that influence how, when and if the desire will actually materialize. Rather than wishing for a win on Sunday’s lottery or falling in love with X, set a goal for reaching a specific level of prosperity or finding a soul mate with particular characteristics, which the world can deliver from a multitude of sources.

Develop Mind Focusing Techniques

Laws of Attraction expert Hemal Radia ( advises participants in his blog posts and teleseminars to first think of what they want, what excites or fills them with joy (as opposed to fixating on what they do not want to manifest). He explains that the mind cannot process negative thoughts, and thus associates vibrations with negative thoughts even when we do not wish a particular event to happen. Speak in positives, rather than in negatives. Radia explains, “So if you are saying ‘I don’t want to be poor’, your mind has to think of ‘not poor’, i.e. it has to internally represent ‘poor’ and thus resonate with that vibration.” To encourage openness, when focusing the mind on dreams, Radia encourages participants to view their desires as daydreams, rather than fixed desires that must be met at all costs.

Listen and Sing to Soul Soothing Musical Vibrations

The universe is guided by vibrations, so listening to heart-warming tunes which contain positive messages about our dreams allows the soul an expressional outlet to reinforce and realign an individual’s vibration frequency, making it consistent with the aspirant’s dreams. The human body is known to respond to musical vibrations at the cellular level and sound is known to purge negativity and heal the spirit. Whatever vibrations are put into the world with strong emotions, will be returned in a like manner.

Applying the Law of Attraction principles also works soundly not only to grant desires and wishes in the everyday world, but in maintaining physical and psychological health by reinforcing a sound world view. Numerous studies have examined the health conditions of both optimists and pessimists and have linked optimism (positive thinking) and enthusiasm (energy) to reduced rates of infectious disease, faster disease recovery, later mortality, greater achievements, higher sense of personal satisfaction and reduced stress and anxiety, as compared to pessimists.

While current circumstances may seem dire, by placing your attention on your dreams and desires and allowing yourself to receive and emit more joyful emotions, you will soon find that your internal changes have manifested in unexpected ways in your external reality. The only way to know for certain is to follow Hemal’s advice and watch as your world shifts in subtle and dramatic ways.

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