Friday, February 12, 2010

Manifesting Material Miracles through Positive Intangible Thoughts

Thinking positively about circumstances even when situations seem depressing and hopeless not only boosts mood, creates motivation, cures stress and relieves anxiety, but also has the power to attract positive energy using the principles of the Laws of Attraction. Manifesting goals and our deepest wants and desires into material miracles is often only a thought away.

Hemal Radia, the metaphysical master who hosts a world-famous blog “Manifesting and the Law of Attraction”, together with teleseminars and private coaching , assisting participants with harnessing the Law of Attraction and creating positive energy and vibrations reminds us that, “the key to what we want already exists in the universe.” In fact, according to adherents of the Laws of Attraction theory and Radia, “when we generate thoughts into the universe, the process of manifestation begins.” Radia reminds participants that when they visualize what they want, they do it, “because they love the imagery.”

So, how can individuals combine everyday positive thinking with the principles of the Law of Attraction in order to manifest goals, dreams or desired outcomes?

You are What You Think

The principles of the natural Law of Attraction clearly contain a psychological dynamic and are premised upon positive thoughts and the attraction of similar thoughts, circumstances and opportunities to the positive thinker. Positive thinking, the technique used to master the Law of Attraction in an individual’s favor, teaches that thoughts produce consistent and similar real life experiences and opportunities. Negative thoughts become entrenched into reality through negative experiences. Likewise positive thoughts become associated with positive experiences. Persistent negative thoughts cause anxiety, fear, vulnerability, insecurity, self-pity and self-doubt that invariably attract negative experiences.

Escaping a cycle of negativity can be especially difficult. Individuals trapped in endless streams of negative thoughts find their moods affected and plagued with feelings of inadequacy and they are unable to see beneficial and better opportunities that surround them, while positive forward thinking individuals more readily seize given opportunities and become motivated to work towards achieving long-term goals.

Live in Solutions

‘Channeling positive thoughts’ means selectively filtering and focusing upon positive thoughts in the endless stream of random mental images that whirl through the brain on a daily basis. Visualizing the thought in its concrete reality is the first step towards its materialization and peaks the individual’s motivation to turn the thought into reality. Thoughts attract similar thoughts like magnets; positive thinking yields more happy thoughts until eventually positive thinking becomes automatic and natural.

In theory this appears simple, yet in reality eliminating negative thoughts, especially when they are accompanied with emotions such as intense anxiety, depression or loss of control, can be very challenging. Negativity is a fact of life, thus when negative thoughts do arise, it is crucial to focus upon the positive aspect of the situation or circumstance or transform the thought into an optimistic one.

Choose Happiness

While emotions are not in and of themselves a fixed choice, long-term, chronic states and attitudes are. Chronic states are a choice not a static, unalterable frame of mind and spirit. Making the choice to move on or to reach a goal to attain happiness and self-fulfillment is the first step to realizing it and allows the individual to create an attainable and realistic process to achieve it. Achieving small changes in a step-by- step process builds individual confidence in the goal realization process and makes the once unattainable, unrealistic thought closer to a miraculous, magnificent reality.

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